Explorer Discovers Zone of Mineralization at Peru Property

Through mapping and surface sampling, Palamina Corp. Palamina Corp. (PA:TSX.V; PLMNF:OTC.MKTS) found a large-scale zone of anomalous gold mineralization in the Veta area, one of the highest priority targets, of its Coasa gold project in southeastern Peru's Puno orogenic belt.

Why the Puno Gold Belt is Experiencing a Modern-Day Gold Rush – Palamina Corp CEO Andrew Thomson Explains

Why the Puno Gold Belt is Experiencing a Modern-Day Gold Rush – Palamina Corp CEO Andrew Thomson Explains

Palamina Corp (TSXV: PA – $0.30 & OTC: PLMNF – $0.23) is a very attractive resource Company, because it is directed by a group of proven mine finders, and it is active in one of the most prolific gold belts in the Americas.